Nirodha (the third noble truth, the most noble dog)

2 min readJul 21, 2021
My boy.

I am overrun with emotions to say the least about this new journey I am about to embark alongside you. There will be peaks, certainly. And there will be valleys too. Turbulence is to be expected of course, but also plenty of good times too. Most of all I am excited for all of the life lessons you will teach me. Lessons that I will certainly carry with me for the rest of my life.

Leadership. I will become the best leader to you. I will learn to rule with compassion and love and not with violence or tyranny.

Friendship. I will learn true friendship. Loyalty. Respect. Affection. Kindness.

Patience. I will become more patient than ever. My presence will expand exponentially along with my serenity and emotional stability.

Love. I will learn unconditional love. A love that endures all the hardships of life, and will remain in place despite the storms. My heart will grow bigger as it makes room for you too. I will love you throughout the entirety of our journey together and beyond. My love for you will never wane.

Loyalty. I will experience true loyalty, unwavering, and innocent, honest and true. Through thick and thin. No matter what happens, I will feel safe knowing I have you by my side.

Empathy. I will become more empathic than ever. I will trust the vibes/frequencies/energies which will help me become more intuitive, instinctual and attentive to my gut feelings. I will understand your pain, your boundaries, and your limits and respect them all the same.

Nature. I will become more aligned with the source of all that is.

Humility. I will be humbled. My ego will be checked constantly. My pain body will come down in size, while my inner dimension will grow in its place.

Strength. I will become stronger. Mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Responsibility. I have a new call to being. A new meaning to my life. I will try my absolute best to give you the greatest life you deserve because you are the indeed the best boy.

So onwards Nirodha! For our journeys in life together, side by side, now begin.




a collection of thoughts/poems/writings from the MADNESS within.